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Nitrogen Gas Generators

Pressure Swing Adsorption (PSA) type Nitrogen Generation system is used to separate and enrich Nitrogen from Oxygen employs CMS (carbon Molecular Sieve) for adsorbent. Carbon Molecular Sieve adsorbs Oxygen and water vapor molecule under certain pressure while allowing Nitrogen to pass through.


The Nitrogen Generator consists of two adsorber vessels filled with CMS, a valve assembly, air filters, main pressure regulator, and a product receiver tank. Clean and dry air is directed to one of the adsorber beds where oxygen and water vapor is adsorbed faster than nitrogen in the pore structure of the CMS, thus increasing the nitrogen purity of the product gas stream to the desired level (95-99.999% as required by customer) 

psa-nitrojen-jenaratoru-mng-serisi.png (1).png

​​NITROSource is Appropriate for Manufacturers and Producers in a Wide Range of Industries:

• Food production, processing, storage and packaging – snacks, dairy, grated cheese, milk powder coffee, edible oils


• Beverage and bottling


• Pharmaceuticals – primary and secondary manufacturing, centralized laboratory, inert storage and packaging

• Materials processing – laser cutting, heat treatment and composite manufacturing

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